To carry out any Plumbing work in Victoria you need to be either a Licensed Plumber, a Registered Plumber or In training under supervision (Apprentice Plumber). The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) is the regulatory authority for all plumbing work in Victoria ensuring the protection of our health and safety and the quality of our water supply and wastewater systems.
- Only a licensed plumber can issue a compliance certificate to certify that their work complies with the relevant plumbing regulations, codes and standards.
- A licensed plumber must hold insurance that protects the consumer in case of any defective plumbing work.
- A licensed plumber has a higher standard of knowledge and experience than a plumber who is registered or in training.
- A licensed plumber may supervise other plumbers (registered or licensed) or plumbing apprentices in the same class of plumbing work in which they hold a licence.
Licensed Plumbers
- Can carry out plumbing work that a registered plumber in that class is authorised to do
- Can carry out design work
- Can supervise apprentices
- Can supervise registered plumbers in the classes they are licensed in
- Can Issue Compliance Certificates for themselves, a registered plumber that they have supervised or an apprentice that they supervised.
A licensed plumber must have the required current insurance policy for the classes in which they are licensed. Insurance protects the consumer against defective plumbing work.
Registered Plumbers
- Are able to carry out plumbing work in Victoria
- Must comply with the relevant standards they hold Registration in.
- Are unable to issue compliance certificates for works they carry out over $750.00.
- Are unable to supervise apprentices or other plumbers
Classes of Plumbing Work
Main Classes
- Drainage
- Fire Protection
- Gasfitting
- Irrigation (non Agricultural)
- Mechanical Services
- Refrigerated air- conditioning
- Roofing (stormwater)
- Sanitary
- Type B gasfitting
- Water supply
Specialised Classes
- Type A appliance servicing
- Type A appliance conversions
- Type B gasfitting advanced
- Backflow prevention
- Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMV)
Restricted Classes
- Mechanical Services- restricted to single head split systems
- Mechanical Services- restricted to duct fixing work.
- Roofing (Stormwater)- restricted to class 10A building work
Choosing a Plumber
It is imperative that you choose a plumber that is qualified to carry out the work. Only a Licensed plumber can issue a certificate of compliance to certify that their plumbing work complies with the relevant plumbing regulations, codes and standards and holds insurance that protects you the consumer in case of any defective plumbing work.
All Licensed and Registered Plumbers in Victoria hold VBA ID cards complete with Photo ID and classes of plumbing work they are registered or licensed to carry out. You are within your rights to ask to see this card prior to engaging a plumber. You can also look up on the VBA website to see if your plumber is registered or licensed.
Always make sure you choose a Licensed or Registered plumber to carry out any plumbing work.