Like any pipe or drain, the drains in your shower can become blocked from daily use. These blockages can be caused by a number of factors including hair, soap, tree roots and other belongings being washed down the drain accidentally.
Fortunately, clogged drains can generally be cleared with a few simple strategies, or with a little help from your local plumbing experts. To help empower you to tackle this common issue confidently, we’ve compiled a guide to safely and effectively unblock shower drains.
Preparations Before Attempting to Unblock Your Drain
Inspect Your Drain
Before diving into any attempts, it’s important to take a step back and consider the situation. Diving blindly into drain unblocking can lead to further blockages or damage your plumbing.
To ensure the most stress-free process, inspect your drain for visible clogs close to the surface and check that any other drains on your property are flowing smoothly. If multiple drains are clogged, it’s likely a larger issue that can’t be fixed with DIYs. In this case, you will need to call an experienced plumber quickly for expert repairs.
Gather the Correct Materials
Once you have confirmed that it’s a single blockage, you can attempt a few simple DIYs to get the water flowing again. However, before you get started, you will need to gather a few key tools, such as:
- Torch
- Plunger
- Drain snake
- Gloves
Be Careful
The most important part of safely unblocking shower drains is to be careful. Blockages in shower drains can hold any number of bacteria or germs, so it is best to wear gloves when attempting to clear them.
Additionally, DIYs done wrong can do more harm than good. So, always take your time, stay calm and most importantly, never stick anything down the drain that doesn’t belong. If you attempt to break up or move a blockage with another household item you’re likely to lose it down the drain too making the situation worse.
Guide to Unblocking Shower Drains
Manual Removal of Blockages
In the best-case scenario, the blockage will be towards the surface so you can easily remove it using gloves. If you shine a torch down the drain and see clumps of hair caught in your shower drain grate, you should be able to carefully untangle it and pull it back up and out of the drain for appropriate disposal.
However, if the blockage is a little further down, but still visible, you may be able to use a flexible drain snake to pull it out.
You can do this by slowly and carefully feeding the end of the drain snake through the grates while keeping a firm grip on the handle and then manoeuvring it to catch the blockage. You can then pull it out by following the same process in reverse, being sure to take your time and be as steady as possible so you don’t drop the blockage.
DIY Remedies
Secondly, you can try to flush the blockage with a couple of DIY remedies. This can include running hot water and soap down the drain or mixing baking soda and vinegar to create a safe and natural cleaner.
These methods are most effective for blockages caused by soap or mineral buildup in your pipes. Hot water and mild dish soap can create a slippery cleaner that can cut through and move blockages. Similarly, baking soda and vinegar create a natural reaction that bubbles through your pipes, cleans as it goes and helps to move small blockages.
Using a Plunger
Thirdly, you can try using a plunger. This method is generally more effective if some water is draining away slowly, but can still work on certain types of complete blockages from hair or debris.
The suction and pressure created by plungers can help to force clogs to move through the pipes and get your water flowing again. To ensure a proper seal, make sure the plunger’s cup fully covers the drain.
Then, with steady pressure push down and pull up on the plunger to create suction and pressure. Do this two to three times and then check for any movement. You can repeat this process a few times, but if you don’t notice any change then it’s likely a more stubborn blockage that requires an expert touch.
Call in the Experts
Finally, if all of the above methods prove ineffective or if multiple drains are clogged, it’s time to call in a team of experienced plumbers to handle the issue. Once a blockage moves too deep into the pipes and lodges there, it can be difficult to move without the right equipment and expertise.
Similarly, if tree roots are causing the clog, there are unfortunately no DIYs that will move them effectively. The only effective fixes for these issues are to either cut through them with high-pressure jets or by pulling the pipes apart. Disconnecting and replacing the pipes may also be necessary if the blockage has caused damage.
Unblock Shower Drains Quickly, Safely and Effectively
By following these simple steps and calling in professional plumbers when necessary, you can confidently face any drain blockages that may plague your shower. Many of these methods can also be used on sink drains, as long as you use caution.
If you have a stubborn shower drain that needs unblocking, you can contact our qualified and experienced master plumbers for quick and effective solutions at any time.