Essendon Plumbing Services has been a leader in its approach to operating in the new COVID world and has been proactive its approach to “Business as Unusual”.
We are a member of both the Master Plumbers and Master Builders Association of Victoria. Both these associations provide us with regular COVID-19 updates on any changes to Industry guidelines, the most recent being the use of face masks in the workplace. This allows us to quickly combine plumbing industry guidelines with state government protocols and guidelines to remain at the forefront of community expectations and changes as they arise in the ever changing world of COVID-19.
We continue to provide professional plumbing services during these unusual times with the health, safety & wellbeing of our customers, people & community being our number one priority. In this blog we share what makes us Melbourne’s leading COVID safe master plumbers.
How We Communicate with our Team
To be Melbourne’s best plumbers at any time, let alone during a pandemic, requires open lines of communication providing clear and concise information to all stakeholders. At Essendon Plumbing Services we do that regularly in a couple of COVID safe ways.
- Our whole team, including administration and operations, are all part of the Essendon Plumbing Services WhatsApp group chat. This allows us to share any updates and changes to regulations to our team in a quick and timely manner.
- Toolbox meetings are being conducted in a COVID safe manner whether that be in person practising social distancing or video messaging
- Our managers are always available for any personal one on one discussions.
How Our Expert Plumbers Operate
Essendon Plumbing Services has changed the way it operates since the start of the pandemic to minimise our risk.
- We now only have one administration team member in the office at any one time with others working remotely.
- Our two operations managers maintain social distancing by operating from two separate offices and remotely when they can.
- Our Expert Plumbing Team have been limiting there need to visit our office and factory by starting and finishing from home when possible and limiting the amount of times they need to visit our factory.
- The operational and administration teams also have a separate entrance door to our factory and office.
- Any plumbing jobs we do that require multiple plumbers, we provide separate vehicles for each plumber or apprentice
- Essendon Plumbing Services has a COVID-19 Safety Action Plan with a checklist we follow when working on all our customers’ homes and sites.
Our COVID Safe Checklist
When you call to book a job, you will be asked a series of health-related questions to help us manage your plumbing job enquiry.
The questions are:
- Have you been in close contact with someone with COVID-19?
- Have you been told to isolate?
- Have you recently arrived back in Australia – in the last 14 days?
- Have you, or anyone in the household tested positive for COVID-19, or are awaiting test results?
- Do you, or anyone living with you, have any flu-like symptoms, a fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
- Can you please maintain the recommended social distancing measures of 1.5m minimum during our visit?
What You’ll Notice When We Arrive
Our Plumber will ask you the same series of questions when they arrive at your home or business for their own safety and be aware there will be NO shaking of hands.
The type of control measures required will depend on the level of risk, as well as the availability and suitability of controls. The use of PPE is required under certain circumstances and the type of PPE will be as follows, depending on each individual situation.
- Maintain a physical distance of at least 1.5 meters.
- Gloves
- Face Mask
- Safety Glasses
We have also increased our hygiene practices by:
- Regularly cleaning our hands with soap and water - minimum 20 seconds - or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and avoid touching our face.
- Always washing hands with soap and water before eating and after visiting the toilet and avoiding close contact with others.
- Covering our nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing, and disposing of used tissues immediately
- If a tissue is not on hand, cough or sneeze into their upper sleeve or elbow
The message from Essendon Plumbing Services is clear, we’re here to help and we’re strictly following all government guidelines and taking all precautions needed to keep you, your family, and our team stay safe.
How Our Plumbers Work Whilst Working at Your Home
We are all practising no sharing of tools, regular cleaning of tools and regular washing of hands. If our clients could accommodate them in providing a laundry for our plumbers to wash their hands in, they would really appreciate it. Also, remember the plumber at your home is also under enormous strain during these unprecedented times and is doing their utmost to not put themselves or our clients at risk.
What Our Plumbers Do When the Job is Completed
Once we have finished and you are 100% happy with the job, we will ask that you make payment via credit, so no physical exchange of money has to occur. If you can only pay with cash, we will be handling all transactions using gloves and practicing social distancing.
What We Ask of You
- If you book a plumber to work at your home, make sure you are following the Department of Health’s social distancing guidelines as well, keeping a 1.5m social distance at all times.
- If you are in self-isolation due to recent overseas travel or close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus, do not see visitors, including tradespeople. Read the Department of Health’s self-isolation guidelines for more information.
- If you are in self-isolation and there is an urgent problem with your home that requires a tradesperson, call the National Coronavirus Help Line on 1800 020 080 for advice on how to proceed.
Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support.
Please know that we have your best interests in mind during these uncertain times and we are endeavouring to continue to provide the amazing service Essendon Plumbing Services is known for.
We will do our utmost to ensure that all our clients and staff are kept healthy and safe.
Contact Us
Call Essendon Plumbing Services on 1300 193 298 or book online for any plumbing needs during this time.